Saving Power to Save Money

Saving Power to Save Money

3 Tips For Making A Starter Home Energy Efficient

by Cameron Carter

Purchasing a first home is a big step for many people. First homes are often referred to as starter homes, since many homeowners only live in them for a few years before selling them in order to move into another home that suits their growing needs. Even if a homeowner is not going to stay in their first home for more than a few years, making home improvements is still very common. Projects that boost a home's energy efficiency are common, since increased energy efficiency saves the homeowner money and is more appealing to buyers. Here are three tips for making a starter home more efficient.

Solar Panels

When it comes to energy efficiency, what's better than taking advantage of solar power? Adding solar panels is a great way to produce energy for the home and make less of an environmental impact. But is it a good choice for starter homes? The average cost of purchasing and installing solar panels is between $25,000 and $35,000. Purchasing the panels outright may not be the best choice for homeowners who are going to sell the home in a few short years. Homeowners should make sure that adding panels will add value to the home and that the cost of the panels will be balanced by energy savings as well as tax credits and other incentives. 


Another great way to make a starter home more efficient is by replacing any appliance that breaks with a new energy efficient model. Homeowners should look for appliances with Energy Star labels in order to get models that are more efficient. These appliances can cost between $50 and $200 more than comparable appliances that are not energy efficient. However, energy savings usually make up for the extra cost within a matter of just a few years.

Small Changes Count

One of the issues with making big improvements to starter homes is that the homeowners often do not live there long enough to benefit from the energy savings. This is why small, inexpensive changes count when it comes to making a starter home more energy efficient. Instead of replacing all of the windows in the home, which can cost thousands, applying window tints can save energy for less. The cost of window tints is between $337 and $884 on average while new windows range from $2,614 to $7,084. Other changes like using energy efficient LED and CFL light bulbs can make a difference with little overhead.

Making a starter home more efficient is a goal for many first time homeowners. Adding solar panels and replacing old appliances with energy efficient ones can make a big difference. Small changes, like new light bulbs and window tints, can also make a first home more energy efficient.

For more information, contact Renewable Energy Supply, Inc or a similar company.


About Me

Saving Power to Save Money

Few things are more frustrating than spending your entire summer vacation budget on air conditioning. Unfortunately, if you live in the hotter parts of the country, you might be faced with living in a mega-hot environment or suffering through a few tight budgeting months. I found myself in this same situation a few years ago, so I decided to start working hard to figure out how to conserve power. I worked with my local power company to solve the problem, and I was amazed to see how much of a difference it made with my monthly bills. This blog is all about saving power to save money.