Saving Power to Save Money

Saving Power to Save Money

  • Gas Grill Safety For Your Summer Barbecue

    In this season of cookouts and outdoor parties, it's important to ensure that your gas grill is operating safely. Proper maintenance plays a big role in keeping this outdoor appliance functioning the way it should, but even with a well-maintained grill, things can go wrong. Learn the dos and don'ts of using and caring for your gas grill and its accompanying propane tank. Situations to Avoid Allowing children to play with or adjust the gas flow of your gas grill Storing your tank where it's subject to extremes of heat or cold Leaving your grill unattended when it's in use Smoking near your propane tank, or allowing others to smoke Using lighter fluid on your gas grill Storing propane tanks on their sides Using matches or lighters to check for leaks Using your gas grill indoors These may sound like common sense precautions to someone who has experience using propane, but a surprising number of tragic accidents occur every year from grill owners who make simple mistakes like these.

  • About Me

    Saving Power to Save Money

    Few things are more frustrating than spending your entire summer vacation budget on air conditioning. Unfortunately, if you live in the hotter parts of the country, you might be faced with living in a mega-hot environment or suffering through a few tight budgeting months. I found myself in this same situation a few years ago, so I decided to start working hard to figure out how to conserve power. I worked with my local power company to solve the problem, and I was amazed to see how much of a difference it made with my monthly bills. This blog is all about saving power to save money.